Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We're moving!

To make my life a little more effective I will now be exclusively using

I have exported all my postings from here to there so you will not miss out on anything. Any real estate thoughts you can find on my Follow me there at karimkanji.

Use Twitter? So do I - @karimkanji! @RealCash is also available for following!

Talk to you later!

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Who We Are...

My photo
Thanks for stopping by my little piece of digital real estate. This blog has undergone a variety of changes over the months and years. We started by highlighting inspirational people and stories. I've also been known to write about books and events I've attended. 2010 will be the beginning of a new era at Our goal in 2010, and for the foreseeable future will be to offer helpful tips. Whether it be on how to properly market your product or company, use social media tools or how to be a cooler dad, this blog will aim to be, above all things, helpful. I hope you enjoy! kk